Organizational Development Consulting | Executive Coaching | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

“The Assistant” Shows Sexism in Film Industry

“The Assistant,” a film by Australian filmmaker Kitty Green, tells the story of a young woman trying to make it in the film industry in a company with a culture that enables sexual harassment. Here’s an interview with Green by Christiane Amanpour, which includes a clip, that is harrowing. When she tries to report what she sees to a man in HR, he says, basically, why do you want to torpedo your career by getting involved with this? Chilling.

Christiane Amanpour interviews Kitty Green, filmmaker.

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New Data Establishes the Business Case for Global Gender Equality

In 2018 McKinsey & Company reported that companies in the US that are more gender and ethnically diverse outperform their competitors in the market by 15% and 35% respectively. Businesses don’t seem to get it, though, judging by the number of women CEOs (26) in the Fortune 500 companies.

Unfortunately, as this article shows, the picture is much bleaker globally–girls are denied equal access to education, many are married off before they become adults, women and girls are trafficked, and in 10 countries, if a woman is raped, the law says she must marry her rapist to avoid dishonor.

If women had equal access and opportunities in education, jobs, and salary (i.e. treated like human beings under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), global GDP would grow by $6 trillion by 2030. It’s sad that one has to make a business case for what is a moral case for equality.

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