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Noncompliance with COVID-19 Regulations Associated with Sexual Harassment Perpetration

This article in the the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, summarized two studies which showed that college men who do not follow Covid-19 regulations are more likely to commit sexual harassment and/or predatory sexual behavior, including rape.

university entrance arch
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Sexual Harassment & Redemption

How long has it been since #MeToo caught the world’s attention? Since then, so many men in positions of power in the private, public, entertainment and academic sectors have been exposed as harassers. I really don’t like statutes of limitations, because it lets people off for past offenses. What is the reasoning behind that, anyway? It only benefits the perpetrators. At the same time, what if the person has changed? This guy hasn’t, it appears. My opinion is that even if sexual harassers are a “different person now” they should acknowledge the wrong, apologize, and vow to fight against sexual harassment and for gender, racial, and sexual orientation equity–then do it. Of course, it depends on the severity of the act–rape or domestic abuse–indicate a violent nature that needs to be dealt with. What do you think?

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Sexual harassment is more about power than sex

What do Woody Allen and Andrew Cuomo have in common? It seems to be a history of abusing power combined with older man-younger woman predation. If you look at Allen’s film Manhattan (1979), you’ll see him justifying sexual relations with a high school girl because she is beautiful and smart. According to the HBO series, “Allen v Farrow,” Allen as a film director would gaslight Farrow (who was starring in his films) saying she was too old as an actress, that no other director would take her, and he could replace her in 2 minutes. And of course he married the daughter of his romantic partner after allegedly taking sexually explicit pictures of her when she was in high school. He eventually married her (she was about 27 and he about 65). Cuomo’s M.O. was to hit on his pretty and bright assistants. One, Charlotte Bennett, is 25 and Cuomo is 63. Both allen and Cuomo have denied the accusations of sexual abuse (which sexual harassment is a form of), and Cuomo offered the lamest of non-apologies by saying it wasn’t his intent to harass the women. Another similarity was when the abuse was reported to authorities (to Allen’s psychotherapist and Cuomo’s targets to HR) absolutely nothing was done. This is an epic fail.

Cancer Was Easier Than Covid

I wrote this about my worries about catching Covid-19 because I am in a high risk group. Fortunately, I am retired and can self-isolate. Workers (essential and now those who are being asked to come back to work, for example teachers) don’t have that luxury. Members of the public who barge into workplaces without masks, could spread coronavirus to employees. In a way, that is a violent, aggressive, and life-threatening act. Should they be charged with attempted murder?

I was diagnosed with stage 2 pancreatic cancer last year.

When I revealed on Facebook a diagnosis of stage 2 pancreatic cancer last year, my family, friends, former colleagues and even friends of friends sent messages of love, support and prayers. I needed that.

Lady Antebellum: How can a band be so tonedeaf?

Lady Antebellum

Lady A, the Blues Singer, Responds to Band’s Lawsuit: ‘They Always Knew What They Were Gonna Do’

Sexual Harassment Cost Construction Firm $1.5m

New York has had a mandatory sexual harassment training requirement for employers in place since October 2018. Yet I bet this company just did the minimum and management obviously didn’t support it. Companies need to do better if only to avoid monetary risks (treating employees like human beings would be a better motivation, though).

Sexual Harassment Costs Construction Firm $1.5m

At least 18 ex-employees will share $1.5M in Lynbrook firm’s sex harassment settlement


gay, transgender workers protected by federal law forbidding discrimination

This is big. For years the 1964 civil rights act, which prohibited against discrimination based on race, age, religion, etc., and sex was strictly interpreted to mean the sex part referred to what plumbing you were born with. This ruling now says that gender identification is covered by the word sex, in title VII of the 1964 act. Only Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh were against the ruling. For employers this means if you had two employee who are attracted to men up for the same job and you gave the job to a woman because you didn’t approve of the sexual orientation of the other candidate (a man), you’d be in violation of the act. More broadly, it would say that you can’t allow sexual harassment of employees based on their gender identity or sexual orientation.

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Infographic on Sexual Harassment Statistics


Wells Fargo Drops Forced Arbitration

This is good. Requiring forced arbitration when an employee claims sexual harassment, despite what some say, turns out to be a bad thing. Firms do it because they say it saves money. And though employees who go through mandatory arbitration do 1/3 better than those who sue in federal courts, overall the awards are less. If companies were really serious about cost cutting, they’d get rid of harassers and spend money changing their cultures which tolerate harassment.

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