Kurt Nemes, Co-Founder
With nearly 40 years of experience in over 40 countries, Kurt specializes in helping leaders and teams address issues around productivity, performance, business ethics, and workplace conflict. Seasoned facilitator in unconscious bias, sexual harassment prevention, gender equality, and respectful workplace. Boss Whispering® executive coach. Kurt is Chair of Ethics Committee at SIETAR USA (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research), has been featured on the podcast, The Ethics Expert, and has conducted webinars on ethics and respectful workplace. Kurt has written articles on travel, food, parenting, and coping for The Washington Post, HuffPost, and the book, How Does that Make You Feel?
Laura Zam, Co-Founder
Laura Zam is an award-winning writer and sexual solutions expert, whose work has been featured on NBC, NPR, The Washington Post, InStyle, PBS, and other media outlets. She’s the author of The Pleasure Plan, a book about healing in the aftermath of sexual violation. Laura’s other writing on human sexuality has been featured in The New York Times, Salon, HuffPost, SheKnows, NextAvenue, and other publications. As a speaker and trainer, Laura has presented at Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, conferences, campuses, and theaters around the world. She is a founding podcaster on Fireside, a next generation media platform created by Mark Cuban and Falon Fatemi, where she hosts a weekly show called Sexual Healing Central.
Through her companies Campus Consent 2.0, and Working With Respect, she offers keynotes and workshops that prevent sexual misconduct in groundbreaking ways. Laura has worked with sexual trauma survivors at the Omega Institute, the DC Rape Crisis Center, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and workshops internationally. She is a member of American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists as well as being an Ambassador for the American Sexual Health Association. Laura is a graduate of Brooklyn College and Brown University, Additionally, she is a certified trauma professional and certified relationship coach. For more information, check out Laurazam.com.