Organizational Development Consulting | Executive Coaching | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

gay, transgender workers protected by federal law forbidding discrimination

This is big. For years the 1964 civil rights act, which prohibited against discrimination based on race, age, religion, etc., and sex was strictly interpreted to mean the sex part referred to what plumbing you were born with. This ruling now says that gender identification is covered by the word sex, in title VII of the 1964 act. Only Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh were against the ruling. For employers this means if you had two employee who are attracted to men up for the same job and you gave the job to a woman because you didn’t approve of the sexual orientation of the other candidate (a man), you’d be in violation of the act. More broadly, it would say that you can’t allow sexual harassment of employees based on their gender identity or sexual orientation.

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